Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ancient art is great: dancing satyrs, bearded Gilgamesh, mythic beasts, resurrecting Osiris and so on. The feelings and motion are reflected to perfection. Every curve intensifies the expression of these everlasting creations. They are unique, original, they are real masterpieces – fruits of the best endeavors of human being.
But I always found that they could be improved. Just few touches here and there to give them this inimitable spirit of rubber humor and to emphasize the significance of …my rubber art company. Why not, man! I’m a craft-brother after all!

Hey! And here's a little explanatory comment for the dumb-asses who can't understand the beauty of the foregoing text :

- Come on, sugar. Take it. (_)_)=D
- No, this smacks of perversion (_Y_)
- You wanna say that your friends are perverted whores? (_)_)==D
- Of course not! But I don’t want it to cork up my mouth (_Y_)
- I putted raspberry jam on it (_)_)===D
-Really? Mhhh. Sounds interesting. (_O_)
-Raspberry jam, sugar, and a hot dog in addition if it tempts you

...HEY! That's not all! Check out the high-fashion T-shirt of Dragan Crtajik made for the fashion network „Suzanne Glory” headed by sir Artur H. Nottingham Jr.

AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE SPECIAL OFFER from Babur Madhukar's MindTech Shop.WOW! Only some fuckin $4.99! Hot-hot-hot!